联系人:徐建伟 先生 (业务主任) |
电 话:0769-38983222-8686 |
手 机:13360662126  |
供应供应平面丝印机|丝网印刷设备|丝印机技术原理|丝印机生产厂家 |
S-450DF 气动平面真空吸气丝印机产品详细描述
1 微电脑控制各功能动作,自动化程度高,操作简单方便。
2 内设五位数自动计数器。
3 平面印刷功能,工作台采用真空吸气工作方式。
4 自动进行刮油、回油、工作台升降等,既简便了操作,又保证印刷质量的稳定。
5 印刷行程和速度可调,以满足不同的印刷要求。
6 自动平衡之油刀,保证印刷压力均衡。
7 油刀座可用气动抬起,换网轻松方便。
8 工作台可进行上下、平面摆角微调,网框可以前后、左右、上下微调,印刷精度高,调校方便、快捷。
9 具有“三角”印刷功能,提高印刷效率。 Description
1.Miscroprocessor controls each function with high automation and easy operation.
2.5-Digit auto counter built in;
3.It has function of "triangle" which improves printing efficiency;
4.It has function of flat printing, vacuum table adopted;
5.Auto ink scraping and flooding and frame elevating make operation easy and ensure stable printing quality;
6.Printing stroke and speed are adjustable to meet different printing requirements;
7.Auto balanced squeegee ensures equalized printing pressure;
8.Flood blade holder cab be lifted by pneumatic so that screen replacing is easy and convenient;
9.Worktable can be adjusted forward/backward, left/right and rotated slightly. Screen frame can be finely adjusted up/down. Printing is high and adjustment easy.
S-450DF 气动平面真空吸气丝印机
Max. Frame size 750x380 mm
Max. printing speed 1000 pcs/hr
Max. printing area 350x250 mm
Max. workpiece height 110 mm
Air consumption 187 L/min (6bar)
Dimensions 866x754x1800 mm
Weight 275 Kg
*大网框尺寸 750x380 mm
*大印刷速度 1000 pcs/hr
*大印刷面积 350x250 mm
*大印件高度 110 mm
耗气量 187 L/min (6bar)
外型尺寸 866x754x1800 mm
重量 275 K |